I thought the perfect gift to give our guests would be jam or jelly. The only trouble is I've never made jam or jelly before. It has to be home-made, to stay true to the theme of the party. I spent several day's on line looking for the best site to learn how to make jams. I found this site
http://www.pickyourown.org/applebutter.htm. They have all types of jams, I decided that apple butter would be the best for my first attempt. I've spent the last two day's making Apple-Butter, and I have such an appreciation for our grand-mothers and great-grandmothers for all the work they went through. I was so excited to share my accomplishments, first I called Gary, he seemed happy for me, but I believe he was just happy to hear the excitment in my voice. I called Blu, he appeared to be impressed, however he did ask if I used good apples? (thanks Blu), Kevin was the funniest though, I called and said
"What are you doing that for?, ME: "because I need to for Anita's Birthday" KEVIN: That's not until April, do you know how bad that is?................. He thought I said I TANNED..... So cute! I found out my mom doesn't like Apple Butter, so next week I will try a new fruit to can. By April I should be a canning Queen. Here is a picture of my first canning....I will give these away at Thanksgiving.