Monday, March 8, 2010


     Gary and I went to "Round Up Feed and Barn" on Saturday to order 12 bails of Hay or Straw to be delivered to the park on the Sat. morning of the party,  I think it will add to the look of the "Old Fashioned Picnic" theme I'm going for. 
We also paid the balance on the Park Rental.  We went to pay Big Rich for the food, however they were not in Paris at the skyjumping park on Sunday, due to rain. 
    Gary's been working hard on his garage and getting all his cars looking good for the male company we'll be having. 
     Anita's friends from bowling and work have been great responding to the "life on Record, CD".   I have to thank Elva for all her work, getting them to call in.
     I'm back to making the Apple Butter, I have 24 made, 24 to go.  Beverly and Barbara are going to fly in to San Diego on the Thursday prior tothe party, Anita will be going there as well.  Joan and Milt will bring them to the party on Saturday. 
     My plan is to have them drop Anita off at our house first so that Gary and Monty can drive her up in the Red '34, 
     I've been working hard on downloading songs from the 40's to my mp3 player.  and have decided to rent from VIP Events, a speaker system to play the songs I've chosen througout the day. 
     I think we'll get a "Betty Boop" cake for the party, still not sure on that on.
    As you can see things are moving along.

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